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We invite you to learn about some cases of patients we have treated, who have been able to demonstrate the benefits of the QUANTEC treatment.® allowing them to improve their quality of life.

Moreno y Valentina

Tenemos una manada grande y diversa (5 perros y 2 gatos), de la cual forma parte nuestro Moreno.
A Moreno le diagnosticaron un osteosarcoma en su brazo izquierdo hace un año, el osteosarcoma es un cáncer a los huesos cuyo tratamiento es amputación y quimioterapia. Afortunadamente, pudimos detectar su enfermedad tempranamente y comenzar con los tratamientos clásicos. 

Cuando Moreno comenzó su quimioterapia lo pasó muy mal, estaba muy decaído (cosa rara en él porque es un perro muuuuuy juguetón), tenía baja la temperatura, vómitos, diarrea y no quería comer nada. Entre nuestra búsqueda por darle las mejores alternativas y aliviar su malestar, llegamos a Quantec® . Desde la primera terapia comenzó a sentirse mejor, logró volver a comer con ganas y a jugar como siempre, a pesar de tener un bracito menos. Durante toda su quimioterapia estuvo siendo constante escaneado por QUANTEC®, logrando superar esa etapa de la mejor manera. Cada vez toleraba mejor las quimioterapias y sus parámetros sanguíneos se lograban mantener estables.

Nuestro Moreno ya cumplió un año de tratamiento, continúa en terapia con QUANTEC®  y es un perro inmensamente feliz, juega como siempre y hasta con más energía! 

Al ver los buenos resultados con Moreno, decidí probar también la Terapia QUANTEC® . Desde que comencé el tratamiento ha mejorado mi calidad de vida, siendo el cambio más notorio la disminución significativa de mis migrañas...lo cual agradezco enormemente!

Valentina Rojas
Médica Veterinaria
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I am 39 years old and I live in Valparaíso, in the V region. I had never heard of this type of treatment and after trying various methods to feel better QUANTEC®  was the best discovery I've ever made. After researching what it was about, I decided to take the treatment at the beginning of 2022 and since then the changes have been ultra positive for me, even my family and friends have told me that they feel good, clearer and more sincere in my ideas, trying topics with conviction and firmness.


Today I can say that I feel great well-being and inner and mental peace, which is essential for the body to be healthy. Without a doubt I recommend QUANTEC®  100%, since it does change lives.

Jaime Hidalgo

Clarita and Luna

My name is Ariel, and I have two beautiful dogs, Lunita and Clarita. Both are mestizo dogs that we adopted together with my partner, and they are an essential part of our family. Clarita's first years of life were quite complicated in terms of health, since unfortunately she was diagnosed with canine distemper at six months of age. This was a bitter pill to overcome, but after three months of intense therapy, Clarita managed to recover. However, Clarita was infected with the canine papillomavirus when she was a year old. After weeks of drug treatment and subsequent surgery, the expected results were not achieved, worse still, the papillomas reappeared, and in greater quantity. Because of our concern for Clarita, we decided to help her through Quantec therapy. Incredibly, with just two days of Quantec therapy, Clarita lost all the papillomas she had inside her mouth and nose, and from that moment she never got sick again. Both Clarita and Lunita are currently scanned monthly through Quantec and are both in excellent health.

Ariel Norambuena
PhD Physics
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