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What is Quantec?®

QUANTEC®It is a radionic equipment of the most advanced German technology, which with the white noise diode detects the disharmonies of the bioenergetic field of people, animals, plants, homes, companies and sends remote ripples day and night to harmonize them.

About Quantec®

QUANTEC® is a system created by the German Peter von Buengner in the eighties, after researching quantum physics for more than a decade. It is an instrumental biocommunication equipment, that is, communication between computer and biological systems, through which vibrational imbalances of a target object (for example, person, plant or animal) are detected and taken to its correct frequency in order to heal it.

The photon is an elementary particle responsible for the manifestations of electromagnetic phenomena,  in other words, photons are the cause behind the existence of visible light, for example. The theory of the  "pair of photons" indicates that in nature every photon at the moment it is emitted by some source, in turn generates a twin brother, that is, each credo photon has its identical copy. These twin photons are "quantum-bonded" for life, transmitting information continuously regardless of the distance between them, because in quantum physics, distances do not exist.

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White noise

We can imagine the diode that generates white noise as the quartz tubes used in televisions and radios in the old days. Noise has the attribute "white" because it is represented on a black screen by flashing white dots. It resembles the aspect offered by the screen of a television turned on after the end of the broadcast. The noise of the QUANTEC diode®itself can be compared to a radio tuned between two broadcasting stations, sometimes emitting low beeps and sometimes high-pitched beeps, and then re-emitting noises in the intermediate frequencies in a haphazard manner with no recognizable pattern.

However, this changes the instant this noise connects to consciousness. From this moment on, these changes can be processed and interpreted on the computer. QUANTEC® use this possibility of interaction with consciousness detecting through white noise matching entries  from your databases (eg affirmations, acupuncture, medicine, Bach flowers, homeopathy, colors, etc.)

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